Party Construction
On 16th January, 2018, the selective examination group in terms of the standardization of party construction concerning the Provincial Party Committee’s non-public economy and social organization arrived at Anqing Foreign Language School to spot check the standardization status of party building work. To be specific, the group members included Deputy Director General Duan Wei with City Organization Section of Provincial Party Committee’s Organization Department, Deputy Researcher Zhang Fengxiang with Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Discipline Inspector Fang Ding with the Discipline Inspection Team of Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee in addition to Principal Staff Member Ren Qifei with Provincial Party Education Committee. Also in company were Section Chief Liu Jun with the Organization& Publicity Department of Municipal Education& Sports Working Committee as well as related comrades from Municipal Party Committee’s Non-Public Economy Working Committee.
First of all, Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli led the random inspection group members to tour the School History Museum who were deeply impressed by our gorgeous campus environment, delicacy management and affluent school running achievements!
Second of all, at Anqing Foreign Language School’s party member activity room, by means of PPT courseware, Deputy Secretary Sun Yijun with Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch reported to the spot check team the party building work as well as the standardization situation.
In a nutshell, the inspection group conducted a detailed review towards Anqing Foreign Language School’s party construction and standardization materials. Moreover, the checking group proceeded detailed understanding into Anqing Foreign Language School’s party organization establishment, recruitment of party members, the implementation of the ‘Three-Meeting-and-One-Class’ system, standardization construction of party member activity room and the function exertion. Meanwhile, the selective examination group not only highly affirmed that Anqing Foreign Language School reached the overall standard in the standardization of party construction as a social organization, but also hoped Anqing Foreign Language School would further achieve the normalization and institutionalization in party building work.


